Thursday, April 10, 2008

Overheard “Pearls of Wisdom”… Courtesy of the Future Leaders at Colby College

I came across this great blog today, Overheard at Colby. This is a genius site inspired by Overheard in New York site (which is also funny, but it is New York, so we're not really surprised by the stupid things they say). This sight is dedicated to “the strange things that Colby College students have overheard, either on or off the hill.”

I must say, I simply love this blog.

Please see some of my favorite ones below. I encourage you all to check out the site and read some of the 20 pages of “wisdom” the smart kids you went to high school with are saying as they further their academic career and prepare to make an impact on the future.

Overheard in the Woodman Dorm bathroom
Girl 1: Wow, your makeup looks really good!
Girl 2: Oh my god, I know! It's because it has sparkles in it.

Overheard in Heights Dorm
Girl lying in hallway to guy: I know I'm supposed to hook up with you, but I'm too drunk right give me, like, two hours and I'll be ready.

Overheard outside of Lovejoy Dorm
Boy 1: (throws a snowball at boy 2 and misses by a long shot)
Boy 2: Nice throw, Helen Keller!
Boy 1: I'm not black!

Overheard in Heights Dorm
Drunker Girl: What do I do?Drunk Girl: Go sit on him.
Drunker Girl: I can't go sit on him, are you crazy?
Drunk Girl: Yes, you can. You're drunk.
Drunker Girl: Fine. S**T!!! That other whore is already sitting on him.
Drunk Girl: So? You can sit on his other half.
Drunker Girl: No, I can't.
Drunk Girl: I would do it if I were the one that liked him.

Overheard in the Hillside Shower
Two guys showering in showers next to each other.
First guy peers into other guys shower.
Guy 1: You look like that guy who married Julia Roberts.
Guy 2: Which one?
Guy 1: The ugly one.
Guy 2: Lyle Lovitt?
Guy 1: Yeahhhh that's it. You look like him when you're wet.


Anonymous said...

Hi there, I'm the site owner for Overheard at Colby and I'm so happy you're enjoying it! I think there is a perception among my fellow students that we have to be playing some "smart" role at all times but it's always fun to catch people when they loosen up a bit :).

You're blog is amazing as well - I'm going to be laughing about the chicken suit incident for a while now. Thanks!

Joshua Chamberlain said...

Thanks for showing the love on "Only in Maine" Meaghan! Certainly check back in and if you happen to overhear a great "only in maine" line, pass it along!

Park Street Rambler said...

Hysterical! I love the two drunk girls chatting about how to win a man's affection. "Sit on him."